MTAC minister delivers Ma's salute to Mongolia's 'bold' Genghis Khan

The China Post news staff--In a traditional ceremony, Taiwan's Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission (MTAC, 蒙藏委員會) saluted Mongolia's Genghis Khan — a “man of great talent and bold vision.”

At the height of his strength, Khan stood at the helm of the largest contiguous empire in world history.

Acting on behalf of President Ma Ying-jeou, who was traveling overseas, TMAC Minister Luo Ying-shay (羅瑩雪) officiated the ceremony before some 200 Mongolian citizens living in Taiwan.

“Genghis Khan was a man of great talent and bold vision (雄才大略), who broke ground and expanded frontiers (拓土開疆),” read Luo, from Ma's written tribute.

In compliance with ancient rites, Luo and other dignitaries offered flowers, incense, and silk.

March 21 of the Lunar Calendar — April 11 — is the classic day of remembrance for the Mongolian leader.

Mongolians in Taiwan

The Central News Agency interviewed two Mongolian students who participated in the morning ceremony.

Qimq (其木格), a nine-year resident of Taiwan, is a doctoral student at National Taiwan University's Graduate Institute of National Development (國家發展研究所)

Qimq said she is here to study the Han characters she loves.

Taiwan still uses the traditional form of Han characters, which are intricately bound up in Mongolian history, she said.

Another participant — Anil (安尼爾) — is a graduate student at Ming Chuan University (銘傳大學).

Anil said she first visited Taiwan as an undergraduate exchange student. Her impression was favorable, she said, calling the Taiwan people kind and warm.

According to MTAC, about 400 Mongolians reside in Taiwan — between 10 and 20 of these are members of Khan's clan.

Typically, a Mongolian will choose a Han surname based on the first syllable of his or her Mongolian name. In Taiwan, a person with Mongolian ethnicity who goes by the surname Pao or Bao (鮑,包,寶) is likely a descendent of Khan.


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