The motherland calls Mongolians

The migration of Mongolians to foreign countries has the same age as Democracy in Mongolia. The biggest freedom that the Democratic Revolution gave to us was the freedom to visit any foreign country in the world. 

This had the positive effect of developing and expanding many fields such as the economy, cultural education, and language. The first wave continued until 1994, Mongolians did small trade, reaching out to our southern and northern neighbors. Those traders came back to Mongolia, bringing goods and the dreams of outward expansion. 

The second travelling wave came from 1994 to 1999, when Mongolians started to leave the homeland for overseas destinations. 

In 1999, the third travelling wave started and Mongolians began to migrate to South Korea, the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom in large numbers. By working abroad, most Mongolians received enough salary to cover their expenses, to send some money home, and to save.

Mongolia’s economic recession, lack of job vacancies, and low monthly salary made many feel that working in a foreign country was heaven. Illegal immigration of Mongolians increased rapidly.

According to the latest research, over 200 thousand Mongolians work and live overseas. 120 thousand of them work in South Korea and 25 thousand of them in the US. 

Now, the times have changed. Mongolia is set to become the new Asian Tiger. It is the transition period where every citizen must contribute to the development of Mongolia. With the recent developments in the mining industry and foreign interest increasing at an astonishing rate, our economy looks ready to pounce. 

It has become the country with the fastest growing economy in the region. Today, the majority of Mongolian immigrants are returning home to use their knowledge gained abroad to make a contribution to Mongolian development, spending their money in Mongolian market. Mongolia is in need of a work force that will work in the mining sites, and related various positions.

Mongolians who once lived and worked abroad know that heaven cannot be found in foreign countries. Heaven exists only in Mongolia for many of us. They want to come back to motherland, to spend the rest of their lives with their family and relatives, going through the all the ups and downs of the stream of life. 

They gained many experiences and knowledge by working overseas. Now they want to create in Mongolia every single advantage of the country they lived in. They want to make Mongolia a country with a fair legal system that everyone follows, create equal social welfare, and a peaceful life. They want Mongolia to be the country with middle class status, and create the opportunities for everyone to develop himself or herself.

Today, we can make good money in Mongolia, as all the opportunity gates are open for everyone.


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