How does God answer your prayers?

This is a question that most people think would include the winning lottery ticket numbers, healing of a sick family member, or just to simply get through the day. Consider now that God answers prayers all the time. Every single prayer. He hears the prayers in Provo, to Salt Lake, to Mongolia and He hears every word we utter. Sometimes the answer is "Hold on a minute, I have something better for you", to "absolutely, let's get on that right now."

Think about Moses praying for the Israelites. God was righteously angry with them, yet the prayers of a devoted man changed the mind of the Almighty God. "So the Lord changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people," Exodus 32:14.

So, as we pray to God, think about His plan for our lives, and His Will. It may not be the answer we want, expect or are even happy with, but if we put our faith in Him, we can live our lives more abundantly than we could ever have considered.

Let me know your prayer requests, how I can pray for you, or how God has answered prayers in your life. Tell me how amazing God is and let's glorify Him together. Email me at All prayers are accepted, will be responded to (over time if needed) and all story ideas are appreciated. Let's worship God today and every day.


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